Hello HALA Nation!
This year, we are filled with gratitude to be in a community---really a whole universe---with people sharing their lives while reaching those in need with nutritious food. Yes, Hunger Action LA provides food and other resources but through our work we and those we serve receive also that vital energy that some call “love” and that many note “makes the world go round”!
Hunger Action LA defends this policy called the “safety net” that has been a shining light in our country for nearly a hundred years, growing and improving to meet people’s needs as we discover more about nutrition, the environment, and what makes a sound economy.
And it’s yet another thing called “justice” that gets us closer to the goal of a world where everyone looks after each other and makes sure we have all that each other needs.
It’s too bad that human governments can be controlled by people who don’t have that same vision. But hope is not lost! We have a community of strongly engaged volunteers, of people who need a hand and can provide a voice, of dedicated staff, all interacting and cultivating that wisdom, community and spirit that bring us together to fight for food justice. And many other faces of justice as well.
Please be a part of the Hunger Action LA universe! Send some resources our way and get involved whether with the food delivery program, the Blind Low vision program, or our ongoing advocacy work, so we can achieve that vision of justice sooner!
Scan the QR code above to donate using Give Butter or the Nation Builder Action Button below.
- Frank Tamborello, Executive Director
Please consider donating to Hunger Action Los Angeles!
Another way to get involved is to keep your eye on the Farm Bill!
Farm Bill: What you Need to know
We know what these bad proposals mean for California and we want a bill that will deliver for our state.
Approximately 3.6 billion, or 12% of the $30B cuts to SNAP food would be taken from the 5 million Californians who spend SNAP benefits at 23,874 authorized EBT retailers across California.
Even after the recent TFP reevaluation, SNAP benefits still only average $6 per person per day — barely more than a cup of coffee, and still fall short of the cost of low-income meals in 98% of California counties.
Proven policy solution would be to strengthen SNAP by protecting against cuts and benefit adequacy through the Closing the Meal Gap Act H.R. 3037 (Adams) / S. 1336 (Gillibrand), without cuts or offsets to SNAP or other Farm Bill programs.
The TFP doesn’t just impact SNAP benefits - it also impacts the TEFAP entitlement food formula, as well as Summer EBT benefits.
Additionally, the bill would:
Transform SNAP from a food assistance program into a nutrition control program, potentially leading to intrusive "food police" measures.
Privatize the program, which would undermine our public service workforce.
Negatively affects students entering college who rely on work-study jobs.
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