Basic CalFresh for SSI PDF |
Basic CalFresh for SSI PDF (Spanish) Consejos/Información para los destinatarios de SSI |
Access_for_All_Flyer-FINAL.pdf This flyer lists state Dept of Social Services webinars with more info on the CalFresh SSI expansion |
CA4SSI_SSI_SSP_CalFresh_ Basic fact sheet on CalFresh SSI expansion in English |
CA4SSI_SSI_SSP_CalFresh_ Hoja de datos básicos sobre la expansión de CalFresh SSI en español |
CalFresh_Application_ Information about becoming a CalFresh application assister so your organization can help people enroll in CalFresh |
Market_Match_February_2019.pdf A list of Market Match sites operated by Hunger Action LA, most of them are also providing Market Match to SSI recipients. |
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